News and Events

Helping people along life’s journey with Christian-based mental health services.

Year End Support for Emmaus Counseling

I want to thank those of you that have supported Emmaus Counseling Center.  Yesterday we raised a little over $700 thanks to generous support and Facebook matching.  We look forward to seeing how the ministry of serving those with emotional, relational,...

Year End Support

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Faith and Mental Health 2018

Faith and Mental Health 2018

Emmaus Counseling Center to Address the Devastating Effects of Suicide and Point Toward Hope   3rd Faith and Mental Health Summit Richland, WA— 9/24/18 —  Nationally Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death.  In Washington state the problem is...

Upcoming Community Education

Upcoming Community Education

September 24 Suicide: The Ripple Effect viewing & Signs of Suicide Prevention Program at Prosser Bethel Church Register at September 26 Signs of Suicide Prevention Program at Kadlec Register at October 23 Adult Mental...

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Suicidal thoughts, much like mental health conditions, can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or background. In fact, suicide is often the result of an untreated mental health condition. Suicidal thoughts, although common,...