Who We Are

Providing quality mental health services in Southeast Washington.
Who We Are
Emmaus Counseling Center opened our doors September 1, 2004 and since has provided services to more than 8,000 individuals and their families for nearly 70,000 sessions. Most insurance plans are accepted and our Samaritan Fund provides fee-assistance to low income clients.
We believe that effective counseling embraces the integration of the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of personal, family and community life. The counselor guides the individual to wellness and wholeness by promoting physical health, emotional well-being, healthy relationships and spiritual maturity.
Our Mission
Emmaus Counseling Center is a private non-profit agency which provides a mental health ministry to people who prefer to receive help through a Christian based program that is clinically sound and informed by our Christian worldview. However, The Center will provide service to all clients without regard to their faith orientation.
Our Core Values
Outreach: to provide an outreach into the community that integrates Christian truth and psychological understanding, meeting people where they are in their faith journey;
Access: to be accessible to everyone in need who seeks counseling by reducing barriers of location, hours of service, ability to pay, scope of service, perceived stigma, and other potential barriers;
Excellence: to apply sound professional, organizational and business practices; and to be recognized as a premier counseling center.
Statement of Faith
There exists only one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Both Old and New Testaments of the Bible are God’s inspired and authoritative Word for faith and practice in all matters.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was sent by God to save a fallen humanity. According to His plan, Jesus Christ died for us providing the only means for justification, forgiveness, and salvation for all who believe.
We affirm the deity, atoning death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Him are born of the Holy Spirit and will have eternal life.
The Holy Spirit is sent from God to help convict, transform, renew, comfort, guide and enable believers to live in ways that honor Jesus Christ.
Prayer is a way to communicate with God and develop a personal relationship with Him. Faith in prayer contributes to the healing process for emotional, spiritual and relational wholeness and well-being.
Adopted 6/25/03